What is Wellbeing?

And Why Is It Important?

We keep hearing that wellbeing is important and plays a crucial role in all our lives.

But why?

If you were to ask 100 people, you're likely to receive a diverse range of responses. This diversity is beneficial, as each person is unique, and their needs differ from those of their friends and family.

Here’s my thoughts: There are 3 elements of wellbeing - emotional, mental and physical. When we experience a positive self-perception, our thoughts tend to be more proactive and optimistic, increasing our desire to engage in activities and take initiative. Wellbeing is about feeling good and functioning well.

Graphic of balanced wellbeing

This diagram illustrates how each element is interconnected and when each area is functioning well, it results in a state of healthy wellbeing, as shown in the diagram opposite.

If any of the components is not functioning optimally, it can gradually impact the other two elements, leading to a sense of disconnection from others. You might find yourself losing interest in activities that typically bring joy, experiencing heightened anger, reduced patience, fatigue, and a general state of irritability and or confusion. These are just a handful of the consequences associated with poor wellbeing.

Graphic of unbalanced wellbeing

Children may show signs of compromised emotional or mental wellbeing through their behaviour. When they lack a clear understanding of their circumstances, their ability to express themselves effectively may be limited, potentially leading to the manifestation of challenging behaviours.

Helping children understand their feelings and providing them with skills to be ‘ok’ outside their comfort zone is crucial to their overall development. All emotions are valid, as they are normal reactions to a situation or experience. However, the behaviour demonstrated may not be acceptable.

Failure to address a child's emotional regulation can adversely impact their wellbeing, exerting a substantial influence across various aspects of their life. Overcoming these challenges may not be within their own capacity, necessitating assistance in comprehending how intense emotions impact them. It's crucial to help them navigate these uncomfortable and intimidating feelings, preventing any negative repercussions on their overall development.

6th January 2024