Don't Judge

How many times have you looked at other people’s children kicking off in a public place and said, “if that child was mine, they wouldn’t behave like that.” Be honest, I know I did in the past.

It’s very easy to make a snap judgement of a child and their parent(s) based on what you see. However, there is so much more you haven’t seen and don’t know. Why would you, you don’t know the family or the child.

It’s likely that the child is overwhelmed, but why is something only that child and their family would truly understand. It could be because the child is young and doesn’t know how to communicate their wishes. For example, they want sweets and their parents have said no. This behaviour is typical of a temper tantrum and generally stops when the child’s needs are met, or they have sufficient attention to overcome the event.

However, the meltdown could be for a very different reason, a sensory meltdown. The environment being too noisy, or too crowded. It may be because the child doesn’t feel comfortable in the company of the people they are with. It could be because they are too hot or too cold, or it’s too bright, or it could be simply because someone touched them.

A sensory meltdown isn’t something the child is doing to get attention and what they want. They are unaware of the people around them when the meltdown occurs. It is an extremely stressful event and although once the reason for it is removed its effect can continue for hours afterwards.

So, the next time you see a child having a meltdown in public please don’t judge them or their parents. Remember we are all unique and individual and respond to the stimuli around us in our own way.

Young girl led on floor crying

20th February 2023